Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Antenatal care

Pregnancy care is carried out by the juniper midwifery team, the hub is based in Downham Market, (opposite Tesco, 78 Priory Road, Downham Market, PE38 9AW).

You will need to call the midwifery booking co-ordinator when you are approx. 10 weeks, 01945 469259, they will give you all the information required to support you through your pregnancy.

Asthma clinics

Our specialist Asthma nurse will ensure all our asthma patients are monitored on a regular basis, either via telephone, online or face to face.

Visit for lots of useful information and advice.

Child health and immunisation

We recommend full immunisation for all pre-school children. Development and health checks are performed by the doctors, by appointment.

Please read the recommended NHS vaccination schedule.

Diabetic clinics

Our specialist diabetic nurses will ensure all our diabetic patients are monitored on a regular basis, either via phone, online or face to face.

Family planning

All aspects of family planning advice are available.

Flu vaccination

Influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for patients from aged 50 years old, or those with heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes, if you are pregnant or have an auto immune disease and residents of nursing homes and housebound.

Health advisory clinics

All women aged 25-49 years are offered a smear test at three year intervals, with the interval increasing to five years until the age of 65, where appropriate.

Health promotion

The aim of promoting health is to try to identify risk factors at an early stage and prevent them from causing ill health. For this reason, we will ask about drinking and smoking habits and measure your blood pressure and weight from time to time.

This is especially wise in people with a family history of heart disease, diabetes or stroke.

NHS Health checks are offered to all new patients, and existing patients aged between 40-74 are offered a health check every five years. The health checks are by appointment only.  Please call the surgery to see if you are eligible and book an appointment.

Over 75s: If you are 75 years or older, annual health checks are available if required.

Minor surgery

This is performed under local anaesthetic in the surgery, as arranged by the doctors.

Travel vaccinations

The surgery can offer the following travel vaccinations free of charge.

Polio (given as a combined diptheria/tetnus/poli jab), Typhoid, Hepatitis A and Cholera.

For further information on vaccinations you will need to pay for visit: Travel vaccinations – NHS (